A burlesque dancer, a vicar, and the Ealing Jades Rugby Team… Not the set-up to a filthy joke, alas – but Nintendo’s new marketing campaign is still quite revealing.
Yeah, it’s all the usual ‘Nintendo-y’ stuff: focus on players sat in inoffensive domestic environments and ‘normalise’ games. The new ads take that to the extreme – no mention of games until half-way in.
Yet it also sends a subtle message. iPad, Move and Kinect want to erode Wii and DS’ grip. And Nintendo has seen hardware sales slow this year. But there’s still some distance for all to cover when cementing games in the hearts of your average consumer. The market slump shows games are still considered fair-weather entertainment by many.
Here’s hoping Microsoft and Sony, also betting big on attracting non-gamer audiences, are paying attention. Making games more credible is just as much their responsibility as Nintendo’s.