Friday, 14 December 2012

‘Be Smart & Take Your Tablets’: Waseem Saddique Marketing Services Explores the Impact of Smartphones and Tablets on Mobile Marketing

Attention all businesses, did you know? Owners of both a Smartphone and a Tablet spend more time and money on mobile shopping. Waseem Saddique comments: “According to research conducted by PayPal, there exists, an incredible opportunity for businesses to market themselves on a global scale by implementing Mobile Marketing strategies.”

The recent findings of the PayPal survey highlighted that tablet ownership increases the frequency of mobile shopping, improving the buying experience and leads to consumers, who own both devices, using smartphones more frequently.

As a result businesses have begun to target mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, to launch new and innovative mobile marketing campaigns. Mobile ‘app’ development has surged in the last 12 months as businesses look to expand the reach of their marketing efforts.

What the figures say…
  •       More than 40% of people who own both a Smartphone and a Tablet made more than 20 purchases via a mobile device over the past 12 months
  •       Two-thirds of people that possess both a Smartphone and a Tablet revealed that their overall spending had increased as a result of their mobile purchasing habits
  •       ‘Dual owners’ are also 63% more likely to make a mobile purchase as opposed to 29% of people who own a Smartphone only

The Impact
Waseem Saddique comments: “Businesses that do not have a mobile marketing campaign need to seriously consider revising their marketing strategy. Businesses are starting to take advantage of this growing trend and are adapting mobile websites and apps for devices such as Smartphones and Tablets.”

Mobile marketing has become a necessity for businesses in order to tap into a massive consumer audience and to stay in touch or exceed rivals. Mobile marketing has seen a phenomenal increase with the emergence of mobile devices. After all, mobile devices allow people to access information on the go; therefore a mobile marketing campaign is a must for any business.

The revolution of mobile shopping is only set to grow and with Christmas 2012 on the horizon, experts are predicting a surge in the volume of people purchasing goods via mobile devices. This provides a great opportunity for businesses to engage and interact with customers instantly.

The impact of mobile devices on mobile marketing has been glaringly apparent. Mobile devices allow businesses to reach consumers via websites, social media (such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube), mobile applications and a whole host of other platforms.

Waseem Saddique explains: "In short, mobile marketing has gone global; there is virtually nowhere that a business is unable to reach a consumer, as the majority of the world now owns a mobile device. From a business point of view this is great news, because hypothetically speaking, businesses are able to put a marketing mobile campaign in the ‘pocket of the consumer’ or place it in the ‘palm of the consumer’s hand'."