Whilst jousting with the Egyptian Military on Twitter President Morsi was ousted as Egyptian president, Waseem Saddique Marketing learns.
Wednesday 3rd July will long be a historic day for the nation of Egypt as President Mohamed Morsi’s tenure in power came to a shattering end as the Military gained control of the nation.
Waseem Saddique asserts: “Reports emerging from Egypt suggest that following three days of street protests and some occasionally violent altercations, Morsi’s reign as president finally capitulated resulting in Morsi relinquishing power to Egypt’s armed forces who then moved quickly to install a well-respected judge as the interim leader of the country until a replacement is found.”
Amidst all the protests and violence another battle was also in progress, via Facebook and Twitter, between The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) and Morsi.
Just hours before Morsi was overthrown, he posted on his personal Twitter account
“الرئيس محمد مرسي يؤكد تمسكه بالشرعية الدستورية ويرفض أي محاولة للخروج عليها ويدعوالقوات المسلحة سحب إنذارها ويرفض أي إملاءات داخليةأوخارجية”
Translated, this reads: “President Mohamed Morsi asserts his grasp on constitutional legitimacy and rejects any attempt to deviate from it, and calls on the armed forces to withdraw their warning and refuses to be dictated to internally or externally.”
Despite Morsi making a televised speech shortly afterwards, it was the online social media battle that really caught the attention of the world’s media as regular updates poured in from Morsi and from the SCAF.
The SCAF also took to Facebook establishing the social networking site as its preferred medium in terms of keeping its audience informed.
In a comment made by Mashable.com they said: “Social media has for years been a source of news and information during political upheaval. It's also been a place for opposition groups to organize. Both of those phenomena have happened plenty in Egypt this week.”
It was to be on Twitter that the Morsi government conceded defeat in maintaining power in Egypt. Morsi’s final comment reading: “As I write these lines I am fully aware that these may be the last lines I get to post on this page. For the sake of Egypt and for historical accuracy, let’s call what is happening by its real name: Military coup.”
Waseem Saddique Marketing Services has since learnt however, that despite Morsi’s arrest, a Twitter account linked to the Morsi regime continues to feature tweets spouting comments regarding events in Egypt.
Despite the very public battle via the various online social networking platforms, details regarding the fate of Morsi following the ‘Military Coup’ remain a mystery. At present it’s understood that he has been escorted to an undisclosed location.
It would appear that social media in Egypt has now reached an epic pinnacle as use of Facebook and Twitter, by Egyptian citizens and those in government, surged amidst the chaos in the nation. The rising popularity of social media in the country is now likely to continue long into the future as Egypt prepares to rebuild.