Thursday, 10 February 2011

Google PPC & Online Click Fraud

Google Display Network makes advertising on websites easy and effective.
“I can take control of your company’s online advertising not only by running display ad campaigns but also by running successful and accountable PPC campaigns,” says Waseem Saddique, an online marketing expert.

By creating engaging display ads will result in a high click-through rate that leads to more conversions on the Google content network, improving ROI.

Text and display can deliver additional conversions for less. The median advertiser gets 20% of their conversions from display and text on the content network. This median advertiser has a content Cost per Action that’s 2% lower than search.

“Display can compliment your text and sometimes out perform it. I will continue to run reports to determine which works best,” says Waseem.

PPC is an advertising form that works. It can help your business. But, as with any aspect of business, you need to be very aware of what's happening.

Click fraud, also known as Invalid Clicks happens in Pay Per Click online advertising and is considered a type of internet crime.

Since the dawn of PPC in the early 2000s click fraud has been an issue for many online advertisers.

Click fraud occurs when a person, automated script or computer program imitates a continuous number of clicks. It can be for the financial gain of the clicker, or to deplete the funds of the advertiser.

Waseem ensures that click fraud is monitored carefully with the help of Google filters: “Click fraud is a serious online crime and can cause online businesses a considerable amount of unnecessary expenses.”

PPC is a great way to increase a company’s popularity within the marketplace. With click fraud monitored carefully you can be rest assured you won’t suffer unnecessary expenses.