Sunday, 27 May 2012

How to get the most out of your Facebook Advertising Campaign

Birmingham based marketing expert, Waseem Saddique, provides tip on how to get the most out of your Facebook Advertising Campaign.

Facebook has emerged as a great way for businesses to connect with existing and potential customers. In order to maximise the full potential of these connections, Facebook advertising campaigns allow organisations to be more target specific in their approach, so here are some tips in making your Facebook advert count.

Tip 1 - Produce Highly Targeted Adverts  

The most unique aspect of Facebook advertising is that it provides the opportunity to choose who your advert can target. Businesses can turn this to their advantage by developing a targeted campaign that will produce highly successful results. Waseem Saddique comments: 

“Consider who your advert is targeting, but more importantly why you’re targeting that particular audience.”

In order to make your Facebook advert more effective do some research into who uses your product or service, as this will allow you to target key demographics that exist on Facebook. 

The types of questions you should be asking yourself are:
·         Is my main client base male or female?
·         Are my customers in a particular age bracket?
·         Is there a particular location that stands out in terms of generating a response to my product or service?

Facebook can help you answer these questions, simply use the insights facility as this will provide you with the data you require and will help you to determine where to target your adverts in order to connect with your audience.

Tip 2 – Tailor your adverts to hit your target market

Having established your target audience, the next stage is to create adverts that appeal to them. For instance, if your research concludes that the majority of your clientele are male, then create adverts that ‘speak’ to men. If you have a brand that is family focussed, then create an advert that has an image promoting family fun, an enticing statement and finally a visible call to action.

Waseem Saddique says: “Create adverts based on targeting the rights groups of people, gender, age and language as they will all be key factors in running a successful Facebook advertising campaign. Having a clear advertising strategy will result in a higher click through rate and will decrease the cost per click (CPC) as your adverts will be fixed on a smaller target market.

Tip 3 – Create an advert that stands out

Facebook adverts only allow one thumbnail image and a maximum of 135 characters so your advert has to make an instant impact. Choose your images carefully. Clients are far more responsive to images that are visually attractive. 

The text is also important, Waseem Saddique comments: “Whilst an image will draw attention, it is the persuasive nature of text that will cause a customer to click on your advert.”

Give your audience something to respond to, provide details of a special promotion or offer discounts on your product or service.

Tip 4 – Constantly evaluate your advertising campaign

Evaluation of your Facebook advertising campaign is vital as you can determine what works and what doesn’t. Running several adverts for a set duration is beneficial as you can test how they are performing. For those adverts lacking impact, change the images around, adjust the text that is used and monitor if this improves the impact that your adverts have.

Waseem Saddique says:  “What’s important to remember is that consumer tastes and habits change as new trends emerge. You have to be constantly aware of those changes in order to adapt your Facebook adverts accordingly and keep up with the requirements of your target audience.”