Waseem Saddique offers advice on
getting your British brand into the Brazilian market
Building a
brand in a nation other than your own can be extremely difficult, unless you
have the knowledge and the ‘know-how’ of how to exploit the market you’re
entering into. Breaking into the Brazilian market gives British brands the
opportunity to connect with a population of 192 million people, but you need to
understand Brazil in order to make marketing and advertising work for your
British business.
Brazilian people take a strong sense of pride in their nation and are
incredibly patriotic; therefore, applying a strong essence of local flavour to
marketing and communication strategies can ultimately push a British brand
right to the forefront of the Brazilian economic market.
What’s the fastest way in?
One of the
more successful ways that British brands are currently marketing themselves in
Brazil is digital advertising. Looking at the facts, Brazil has recently
surpassed Britain to become the world’s six largest economy. This has made
Britain sit up and take notice of Latin America as its economy continues to
In a bid to
take advantage of the Brazilian market, British brands have focussed their
marketing and advertising efforts on the digital community. At present, Brazil
is said to be the fifth largest country in the world with digital users, with
approximately 91 million people online (Source: Forrester Research). This gives
British marketers the scope they need to reach a high volume of potential
consumers using cost effective digital marketing, products and services.
Waseem Saddique comments: “the great thing about Brazil at the present moment is that
it is adapting to new trends without any hassle. For instance, a high number of
people who originally had no comprehension of technology are suddenly switching
to using smartphones. For a British marketer, anticipating this kind of
adaptation to technology and having the right tools and content to push their
brand is of the utmost importance when it comes to making an impact in Brazil.”
the Brazilian government has also actively made an effort to offer free Wi-Fi
across the nation and this has led to Brazil becoming the third highest user of
the internet on the planet. This leaves UK brands in a prime position to make
the most of advertising opportunities in a nation that is thriving and with the
UK being a digital leader they can add value to the Brazilian digital market.
In the
height of the digital boom currently taking place in Brazil, Social Media has
also seen exponential growth. Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter
and YouTube have really taken off in Brazil, particularly amongst the youth of
the nation. Again, Social Media is something that the UK is immensely familiar
with when it comes to businesses promoting and marketing their brands.
In terms of
British brands really making themselves known in the Brazilian economy a
concerted effort needs to be made in connecting with the digital market that is
growing in Brazil. Whilst a number of British brands have served up an offering
in hitting the digital world in Brazil, they have not really been too
successful because their campaigns do not tie in with Brazilian culture.
Waseem Saddique concludes that: "UK business brands need to adapt their digital advertising efforts to appeal to the Brazilian way of life. Too many are going in being ‘too British’ in their approach. British brands have to establish the comparisons between British and Brazilian culture. That way, a lukewarm market for British brands can potentially become a lucrative market."